
From the readme:

The year is 1803. On the continent, war rages unceasingly. Britain stands virtually alone against the Bonapartist menace. Abundant grains from the steppes of Russia and America are unavailable - Britain's merchant navies are concentrated elsewhere. It has fallen to patriotic landowners such as us to transform Britain into a self-sufficient agricultural country, overnight. The struggle against Napoleon, indeed the survival of the British nation, depends upon it. To the king a good harvest is worth thirty men o' war. Will we rise to the challenge?

The year is 1815. The final defeat of Napoleon is close at hand. Also close at hand is, at long last, the opening of British ports to the Continent and to America. Finally the virtual state of seige in which we have nobly persisted will be lifted. Surely our wares will find markets even more lucrative and further afield than before the war, and surely, also, the price of the most important staples will finally return to its pre-war level, and with them our grossly inflated wage bill.

The year is 1830. For nearly twenty years now bread has become dearer than gold to us. Its price is so astronomical it consumes almost all our wages. Our days are still as long as ever and the prospect of relief- either by the reduction of the workday or the increase in our remuneration- is as remote as ever. If free trade will give us cheap bread then free trade is what we'll demand. But we care as much for the manufacturer as we do for the landlord- which to say not at all.

Corn is my first attempt at a game. It's about England during the Napoleonic wars, and, like Ricardo's Essay on the Influence of a low Price of Corn, and formalizations attempted by Sraffian economists a century and a half later, seeks to demonstrate the effects of tariffs on capital accumulation and wage amd population growth, in the context of a three-class (worker, landlord, capitalist) economy producing several goods (of which corn is assumed to be "basic" in Sraffian terms), among a host of other things.

The source is here but if you want to play the game you should instead download the pre-made .love file from my dropbox account, which is here along with some patch notes so you can keep track of how far I'm going (and if there is anything new worth checking out since I last uploaded the game).


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